Name |
Gmex Inc. |
Founded in |
June, 2001 |
President |
Masato Niitsu |
Location |
Hosigaoka 3-12-22-201, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara-city, Kanagawa pref., Japan,
postal code : 252-0238
- 20 km West from the center of Tokyo. |
Profie of Founder / President |
◆ I am good at proceeding jobs to support companies and organizations who
wish to expand their business arm into Japanese market
.(concept map)
◆ In order to get your satisfaction;
- I will collect open market information you require.
- I will search candidates for your business in Japan.
- You are able to use our office as your Japan office with reasonable
cost and
I will work as your agent.
- I am also able to arrange a press conference, a trade meeting and run
including media publicity.
◆ Recent achievements;
- Arranged that International big diamond company based in India bought
a Japanese diamond jewelry retail company with 90 shops nationwide.
- Bridged Korean automobile tire mold company to sell their product forever
to Japanese major tire manufacturers such as Bridgestone, Yokohama,
and Dunlop/Goodyear Japan.
◆ I used to work for;
- Goodyear tire Japan ---- Director, Advertising and public relations
- J. Walter Thompson Japan
(International marketing advertising company based in New York)
--- Manager, Public relations, Personnel, Sales promotion and New business. Manager of sales promotion for DeBeers (international diamond syndicate and the biggest client of JWT).
- I had handled such clients during JWT period as Ford Motors, Kodak,
Kellogg's, Pepsi-Cola, Rolex Watches, Jonny Walker (Scotch whiskey), Olivetti,
DeBeers (international diamond syndicate), and many other multinational
- Edelman in USA (International Public Relations firm)
- Hill & Knowlton Japan (International Public Relations firm)
- Kumho Japan
(International business group based in Seoul, Korea and parent company
of Asiana airlines)
--- Sale Director, No2 position in Japan.
◆ I graduated from the Waseda University in Tokyo in 1969, one of prestigious
private one here in Japan.
● I used to be involved in the following brands. |
